In the rhapsody of events, I have decided to stay a keen, with both eyes and ears wide open to see, hear and later tell stories.
We are a month down into the semester, course works heavily draining our ‘think tanks’.
But let’s agree, Students need some break intervals in their stiffening academic pursuit. How about some Nyege Nyege.
The Nyege Nyege talk
Somewhere along Nabagereka Hostel, strolling towards School of Art and Design, I put my feet up to listen to a political satire as students raved the Nyege Nyege talk.
It has been a trendy topic of late. Parliament of Uganda took a better part of last week trying to come to terms with the event as many legislators demanded that the festival be brought to a hault untill parliament finalizes deliberating on its fate.
There were claims by a section of legislators that the festival has been promoting and breeding immorality in the recent years.
Former New Vision chief Robert Kabushenga, took a hard aim, tweeting “@ParliamentUg is itself a #NyegeNyegeFestival that runs in five year cycle” sparking off a frenzied sensation on social media.
Social media panel of juries hit back at parliament advising the legislators to dwell more on matters concerning service delivery given the post-Covid grief Ugandans are going through at the moment.

“Armed with convenient moral righteousness, a large coterie of MPs spent time in self-delusion and some quite thrilled to lead the charge. Small mercies on the public, then you notice that sometimes with MPs you have to learn to take what you get,” wrote Ofwono Opondo, the Director Media Center.
According to Wikipedia, Nyege Nyege refers to a Luganda word describing a sudden, uncontrollable urge to dance. Since 2015, the collective has organized the Nyege Nyege Festival, a multi-day, multi-stage event at an abandoned riverfront resort in Jinja.

Commissioners vetted as guild elections nears

Thursday last week, Nkumba University guild parliament convened to decide on Commissioners of the University’s electoral body bringing to life Article 35 (b)of the Nkumba University guild constitution which categorically states that , “the electoral commission shall be formed and announced at the last session o the outgoing parliament,”.
However there is a hitherto MP law School who acted in utter despondency by participating in the selection of commissioners even after showing interest in guild President race.
To many, he put him self in a situation relating to ‘Conflict of interest akin to influencing matters to his advantage.
Mr and Miss Nkumba crowned

Saturday evening students braved bad weather to attend the Mr. And Miss Nkumba University pageantry.
Kemigisha Christine’s glamorous looks, articulation and fashion prowess earned her the Miss Nkumba crown.
And the Magnificent Arinda Marvin beat other contenders to claim the Mr. Nkumba University title.
Pepsi University Football league quarter finals draw

On Monday last week, Nkumba University Was drawn against the defending champions, UCU for the 22 September encounter in the Pepsi University Football league quarter finals.
Domestic violence awareness
The Nkumba University based United faith evangelical Ministries International-UFEMI together with their U.S partners, Heather Hally Foundation on Saturday lauched the Purple power-Uganda chapter, a domestic violence awareness event at Flight Motel-Entebbe.
Addressing participants at the Purple power event, the event sponsor Dr. Lynette Sharpe said that, “Masculinity stereotypes like men are strong and aggressive by nature, have given men a sense of entitlement, those are the ancient kind of mindset that we are trying to diminify, female gender roles have over the years been streamlined to soft work, this too makes men feel superior,”.

Nkumba University news desk, a beacon of information Bringing you up-to speed with the weekly escapades.
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