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HomeNewsGuild Elections Watch: Losers Struggling to Come To terms With Loses

Guild Elections Watch: Losers Struggling to Come To terms With Loses

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On Saturday 29th October, Toka Victor Given, a second-year Public Administration and Management Student was declared the Guild president-elect of Nkumba University.

In his deliberation, the chairperson Electoral Commission noted that his team had done due diligence to ensure a free and fair election.

Toka beat 6 others to clinch presidency with a 23% lead making him the 27th Guild President of the Entebbe-based higher institution of learning.

Declaration form indicating Votes polled per candidate.

Former Guild presidential aspirants; Arthur Andweniho, Morris Ssemambo, Amon Muhwezi, Daniel Ngirabakunzi, Imran Kigongo, and Sharif Ssebina injected millions in campaign drives but Toka Victor spent most of his time on a manual bicycle strolling around hostels seeking for votes.

Political analysts observe that NRM would have won the elections but internal disputes had a hefty toll on them, “They had all that it takes to win this election but they fell short on internal organization,” adding that, ” when the NRM Nkumba University chapter failed to resolve internal wrangles, their chances of winning were curtailed.” Said Hassan Asimwe, a former student.

Andwineho Arthur edged Amon Muhwezi in the NRM primaries to become the party’s flag bearer, however, Amon refused to concede citing voter irregularities.

We exclusively established that a dialogue to have the two bury their differences fell on rocky grounds, and this ushered in Amon Muhwezi as an independent candidate.

In a synopsis of each candidate’s campaign input, NRM-backed Arthur Andwineho had the most expensive campaigns.

In early October, he secured 6 buses to transport students to Uganda Christian University for a football match.

On 27th, he hosted students at the University football pitch for a BBQ and live performances from Gospel singer, Levixone.

To be ushered in for the open-air campaigns, Arthur had close to 20 Bikers as leads with a 6-car motorcade. He also brought Musician Fik Famaika to fascinate students.

Fik Famaica thrilling Arthur with his dance strokes

Amon Muhwezi on the other hand spent a fortune on making posters, from NRM colors to the blue color he chose as an independent candidate, Printed campaign T-shirts, and facilitated his campaign agents.

He also staged a music show for students with songbird, Nina Rose gracing the grounds of Nkumba University. Amon had a 3 car Motorcade to usher him to the open air Campaigns.

Amon’s Convoy being guided off the open-air campaign premises.

NUP’s Morris Ssemambo who external Opinion polls had given a lead was fully facilitated by the NUP secretariat and had Musician Nubian Lee rally students to vote for him.

Nubian Lee with Ssemambo dancing to NUP solidarity songs.

Ssebina Sharif was the famous and everyone’s favorite in early September with many anticipating a win in his favor.

His ‘Sharif Tumuwagile’ song by Rapper Benny made him a household name in every hostel.

He also invested heftily in the campaign trails securing a 3-car cavalcade that ushered him for the open campaigns.

Sharif treated students to a fruit Buffet at Finaland Restaurant, 3 days to the polls.

Sharif’s team braving the scorching sun in pursuit of votes.

Imran Kigongo made most of his oratory skills but later woke to practicality of proving that he is not making empty promises.

Imran offered students, free driving classes 3 days before the elections day and installed internet to serve Nabagereka Hostel and the neighboring areas.

Imran with a handful of his supporters

Ngirabakunzi Daniel injected a hefty amount into persuading students to vote. He sponsored a 60-seat bus to transport students for a football match at Uganda Christian University, early October.

Ngirabakunzi’s supporters making their way to the open-campaign venue.

Toka Victor Given was the underdog, seen by many as an aspirant with no financial muscle and indeed this was true. He spent the least but came out Victorious.

Tako had the most expensive resource, Human resource. He had the backing of students willing to trail him on foot as he rode his bicycle from hostel to hostel pleading for votes.

Toka says, he had it all laid out, “I wanted to also have an expensive campaign, and facilitate my campaign team but failed to get funding. In the absence of the best, the available becomes the best.”

“I had a very good team, full of energy, and willingness to go an extra mile without any facilitation, I opted for the bicycle because that is the best means of transport I could afford at the time.” He added.

As an underdog in the race, he surprised many with his sublime effort to portray himself as the ‘common man’ a move that could have paid off.

Toka being trailed by his supporters

Arthur Andwineho, Amon Muhwezi, and Sharif Ssebina are yet to concede defeat.

News reaching our desk indicates that some losers in the race are building legal grounds to sue the electoral commission for what they have termed as irregularities citing opening late for voting and closing early.

Elections started at 10 am as opposed to 7:30 am and closed at 5:40 pm instead of the agreed 6 pm.

Toka, having not orchestrated any of these legal grounds stands a chance to be exonerated. To him, building a pro-people government is what he is focusing on.

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Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo is a third year journalism student, a at Nkumba University he is the head of sports Nkumba university news and also an editor , He is also a public relations practitioner, social media manager and marketing strategist



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