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HomeEntertainmentNabulya Sydney crowned Miss Tourism Uganda

Nabulya Sydney crowned Miss Tourism Uganda

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The wait was finally over. The training, dress-up rehearsals, workouts and choreography finally paid dividends as a 20-year-old International Business student of the Nakawa based Makerere University Business School, Nabulya Sydney Kavuma was crowned 2022/2023 Miss tourism-Uganda on September 23rd, 2022 at Serena Hotel-Kampala.

Under the theme “Re-thinking Tourism”, the event fetched dignitaries including members of parliament, reigning Beauty pageants, celebrities, and the general public.

Officiating the event was Hon. Esther Anyakun, the State Minster for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees as the guest of honor whereas Hon. Martin Mugarura, the state minister of Tourism was the Chief guest.

PHOTO: Nabulya Sydney crowned Miss Tourism Uganda 2022/23 Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

The colorful event kicked off at around 8 PM with the singing of both the National and East African community Anthems. After the anthems, the contestants entertained the guests with a special opening dance ‘celebration of indigenous Dances’

Hosts were Capital FM’s Love Doctor, Levy and Miss Akullo Jean Coprise, an interior design and landscape architect, and a former Miss Tourism Karamoja.

PHOTO: The hosts present the contestants to the judges and audience. Courtesy photo

The event started with the display of the Miss Tourism journey on the giant screens followed by the profiling of all the 34 beauty pageants amidst chants from the crowds.

The finalists then donned the Alyn Ros Couture attires showcasing a variety of outfits accompanied by acoustically rhyming soul music from the phenomenon Kenneth Mugabi.

PHOTO: Kenneth Mugabi sings as the finalists showcase their outfits to the judges. Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

Different outstanding contestants were awarded with different titles in categories that included; Miss popularity, Miss Photogenic, Miss Congeniality, Miss national costume, Miss Talent, Sports queen, Miss Heritage, Uganda Wildlife Education Center brand ambassador, among others.

12 finalists were announced and they returned well-dressed by Kaisdivo Collections heading into the re-thinking tourism presentation.

Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira
PHOTOS: The finalists pose after being awarded different titles. Photos by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

A tribute was paid to the late Hon, Dr. Maria Emily Lubega Mutagamba who died on the 24th of June 2017 after losing the battle to liver cancer.

Maria Mutagamba is the former minister of tourism, wildlife.

She is remembered for her popular attempt to promote Ugandan’s egg, vegetable, and chapati wrap known as Rolex. She is also behind the revival of the Miss Tourism Uganda beauty pageant.

PHOTO: The late Hon, Dr. Maria Emily Lubega Mutagamba

After the tribute, a select former contestant of the Miss Tourism beauty pageant came on stage and also paid tribute to the late as they testified about the advantages of the pageantry.

PHOTOS: Former Miss Tourism Uganda contestants come on stage to share testimonies. Photos by: Japheth Godwin Walakira.

While addressing the audience, former contestants revealed that the pageantry had enabled them meet career aspirations by becoming high-profile activists, entrepreneurs, and models.

PHOTO: Miss Lucky Zakia a former contestant of the Miss Tourism pageant and also the proprietor of Zak & Styles speaks to the audience. Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

On the very occasion, Miss tourism Independent was introduced and winner crowned.

The Public Relations Officer of the Uganda Wildlife Education Center, Mr. Eric Ntalo made his remarks. Mr. Eric revealed how privileged the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre was to partner with the pageantry. He further thanked the contestants for having accepted to take part in this year’s edition and also promised that UWEC was willing to organize a fully paid trip for the winner to the Uganda Wildlife Educational Center,

“On behalf of the Uganda Wildlife Education Center, I want to thank all of the contestants for having taken part in this year’s edition. UWEC is happy for being a sponsor and patterner of the Miss Tourism pageant.” Eric said.

After Mr. Eric Ntalo’s speech, Mr. Micheal Paul Mutagamba who is also the son of the late Hon. Maria Mutagamba alongside the team for Miss Tourism Uganda came on stage to deliver his speech.

In his speech, he thanked everyone for having embraced and pushed on his late mother’s idea and vision and for also supporting Miss Tourism Uganda.

He also asserted that the reason why his mother had started this pageant was because she wanted to promote tourism in Uganda and she also had a belief that someone can come from anywhere and become a tourism ambassador.

“I want to take this opportunity and thank everyone who is here tonight. My sister Marian Mutagamba, thank you for carrying on our mother’s vision and I want to also thank the team that is behind this colorful ceremony.” Micheal said.

After Paul’s speech the Guest of honor and also the minister of State for Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Hon. Esther Anyakun, rose to address the audience. Hon. Anyakun talked about the essence of the pageantry in Uganda and how it has promoted tourism since inception. She also thanked the organizers for not losing the momentum.

Speeches were preceded by the pronouncement of the winner.

5 finalists matched to the stage to face off with the judges on the question and answer session. The session saw two dropped off remaining with the top 3.

At around 1 am, the top 3 contestants accompanied by the remaining 31 contestants returned back on stage for the crowning session and it was during this time that the Top 3 winners were announced by the judges in their respective positions starting from the 2nd runners up to the overall winner.

Miss Nabulya Sydney Kavuma, 20 years old from Buganda Kingdom and also Miss Tourism Buganda Region 2022/2023 from Makerere University Business School was the winner.

PHOTO: Miss Sydney waves to the audience. Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

Miss Moru Consolata, 21 years old from the Karamoja Region who is the 1st runner up Miss Tourism Karamoja was crowned 1st runner up Miss Tourism Uganda 2022/2023.

Miss Ayebare Denise, 19 years old from the Kigezi region studying law at Makerere University and also the Miss Tourism Kigezi was crowned as the 2nd runner up

PHOTO: Miss Ayebare Denise is getting crowned. Photo by: Japheth Godwin Walakira

Miss Tourism 2022 had participants from the different regions including Ankole, Buganda, Bunyoro, Busoga, Kigezi, Northern, Eastern, Karamoja, Rwenzori, Teso, Tooro, and lastly West Nile region.


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Japheth Godwin Walakira
Japheth Godwin Walakira
Japheth Godwin Walakira, is an exceptionally talented Journalism student at Nkumba University, specializing in photojournalism, video editing, and writing. With an acute eye for detail and an unwavering passion for storytelling, Japheth possesses a natural gift for capturing powerful images and crafting compelling narratives that captivate audiences. As a dedicated and skilled communicator, Japheth excels in collaborating with diverse teams to achieve common goals. His commitment to making a positive impact in the world of media is evident through his multifaceted roles. Not only is he a proficient Journalism student, but he also serves as the Public Relations Officer at the Rotaract Club of Nkumba University. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of Information Minister for the School of Social Sciences at Nkumba University, showcasing his leadership and organizational skills. Furthermore, Japheth's influence extends to the realm of student governance, where he proudly serves as the Guild Information Minister at Nkumba University. His dedication, drive, and passion for media make him a standout individual, poised to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy in his field.


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