Win Hopekins Ainomujuni
Yesterday, Nkumba University was duly represented in the Rule of Law Debate organized by the students of the Kampala based Makerere University and Lira University.
The mind thrilling debate took place at Makerere University Law School with the theme “The Right of Freedom of Association for Civil society Organizations in Uganda.”

64 students from 24 institutions turned up for the debate.
The Entebbe based Nkumba University was represented by Garang Kuot Lester as a Judge, Ankunzire Paul Mugarura as a poet. Poet Mugarura went through to the semi finals and two female debaters Namaja Racheal Fassie from the School of Social Sciences, and Win Hopekins Ainomujuni from the School of Law whose team placed Nkumba University at the 9th position.

The debate saw students quench their academic thirst with legal knowledge and clarity on the rights of Civil Society Organizations.

The Rule of Law tournament was sponsored by the Government of Uganda, Uganda Law Society, Rule of Law-Uganda and many other Civil Society organizations.
The event happens every year targeting law students from all Universities across the country.
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