The Nkumba university Community was yesterday stunned by a group of close to 50 Petroleum engineering students as they delved into cleaning activities.
The student’s community was awakened by an Environmental Protection call from the petroleum engineers who had partnered with platinum construction agencies to make Nkumba University clean.
The cleaning activities were being carried out in the build up to the 10 year anniversary celebrations scheduled for September 24th.

Under the leadership of president Nabyoga Caroline, The Petroleum engineering students Association of Nkumba University resorted clearing all toxic plastics littered within the University.
“As petroleum students we do not only produce oil and gas but also care about the environment,” said Ronald Ngabirano, a student of petroleum engineering.
Ronald further appealed to the student’s community to properly dispose off or recycle all plastics because they are a harm to the environment.

Gabriel Chol a second year Public Health student was pleased by the activities of the Petroleum engineering students, In verbatim, Gabriel said, “our goal is to have a healthy environment for both humans and animals, we are glad that Colleagues from the petroleum association have set the pace,” adding that, “People worldwide tend to look at the industry as the most harmful to the environment but through activities like these, people start thinking otherwise, “.
Petroleum engineering as a course was introduced at the institution approximately 10 years ago and the department has since produced close to 1,000 petroleum engineers.
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