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HomeEducationTumuheirwe highlights on how a computer from cyber school became a game...

Tumuheirwe highlights on how a computer from cyber school became a game changer in her studies

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Tumuheirwe editor is a second year student persuing a Bachelors of arts in education specifically CRE and Kiswahili.

Editor who is an albino had a lot of challenges with her eyes while using her computer but she says a computer from cyber school has been a game changer in her studies.

” I was glad and also found myself among the people that received computers from cyber school and MasterCard foundation.”

“This computer has helped me a lot in my studies , it has been a game changer in my academic journey  Before I used not to see well while using my computer, but this one has softwares which have helped me see well all the words. It has further helped me to do all my courseworks in time .” She said.

On top of getting a free computer, Editor says that enrolling for a safeguarding course has also helped her earn knowledge on community and personal safeguarding.

“I enrolled for safeguarding course and this course has been important to me.The importance of safeguarding vulnerable people from harm,abuses and exploitation I learn the essential skills of safeguarding my Community at Large.” she said.

Cyber school technology solutions has been so essential in providing different services to Nkumba university community students including free internet, free technological gadgets and life changing gadgets.

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Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo is a third year journalism student, a at Nkumba University he is the head of sports Nkumba university news and also an editor , He is also a public relations practitioner, social media manager and marketing strategist


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