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HomeEducationWhere does Kasekende's professorship place Nkumba University

Where does Kasekende’s professorship place Nkumba University

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Yesterday, Francis Kasekende ascended to full professorship making him Nkumba University’s 7th Professor in 16 years since charter.

Professor is a term derived from Latin as a “person who professes”. Professors are usually experts in their field with a track record of academic prowess.

Nkumba University has a Human Resources Development Policy that allows members of staff to attain further academic rankings.

The University strolls in triumph beaconing on the amiable academic excellence with rich support system in terms of staff development.

During Francis Kasekende’s installation as a full professor, the Chairperson, University Council, Dr. Dalton E. Ssegawa revealed that
Nkumba University has seen you grow from a senior lecturer, to Associate Professor and now Full professor,” adding that, “A passion for learning is the cornerstone of success but it takes a special person to carry that passion through their carrier. Professor Francis Kasekende is one of those special people who have exhibited hard work, determination and perseverance along this distinguished career path ”

But where does Kasekende’s professorship place Nkumba University.

Kasekende Ascends to Professorship// Photo by Rebecca Nantale

Maker ere University has produced more professors than any other higher institutions of learning in the country perhaps the reason it continues to rank number one.

Other Public Universities such as Muni University has only an Associate professor, Simon Anguma Katrini the acting Vice chancellor. who replaced Professor Christine Dranzoa after she passed on in June this year. Prof. Dranzoa was the only Professor the Univerty has ever bestowed. By 2019, Kyambogo University had only installed 3 professors.

Producing 7 Professors may sound meager but to the research world, it is a great milestone adding a couple of solutions to the University’s capacity in bolstering research agendas.

It also determines research variation, supervisory sufficiency and graduate enrollment.

This is a very good day in the history of Nkumba University because one of our very own is attaining the highest rank in academia,” said, Professor Jude Lubega,Nkumba University’s Vice Chancellor.

National Council for higher Education, Deputy Executive Director Dr. Alex Kagume observes that Universities without professors are less likely to conduct research and research process since it requires expert judgment on research design, protocols and procedures as well as the skilful mentorship of PhD students.

The 2020 University survey report, position Nkumba University at the 9th spot out of the 24 universities in Uganda.

Kasekende’s ascension to professorship therefore positions the University at a dynamically colossal Academic might most likely go attract more scholars and thrive with excellence.

Chartered in 2006, Nkumba University continues to manifest academic mastery with over 30,000 alumni. Professorship is one of the many academic ranks that makes the University one of best in the country.

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Simon Peter Nashonji
Simon Peter Nashonji
Nashonji Simon Peter is a dynamic and multi-faceted team leader, renowned for his exceptional interpersonal skills. Having graduated with a Diploma in Journalism, Nashonji is on the cusp of completing his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations at Nkumba University. He picked his niche and started writing with Chimp Reports in 2018. Since then, he has authored and published over 500 articles that cover Business trends, Politics, Health, Sports, and Environment. To master his craft, Nashonji offered to volunteer as an Editor of Nkumba University's News Website in 2022, a position he has held to date. On 1st July 2023, He joined the Editorial team of Ubuntu’ Magazine, a Rotary District 9214 (Uganda and Tazania) Monthly News product. Beyond the realm of academia, Nashonji is deeply involved in the governance of Airforce Senior Secondary School his Alma Mata, where he serves as a member on the Board of Directors. He is currently, the President Airforce S.S.S Alumni Society, President Samia Student's Association of Nkumba University and at the same time President of the Media Challenge Fellowship, 2023 cohort. "Opportunities multiply as they are seized and only dwindle when neglected."


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