Hon. Zaake rejects money from the Speaker

Courtesy photo: Hon. Zaake poses for a photo with his newly wedded wife.

Yesterday, MP Zaake with his long time girlfriend, Bridget walked down the isle at Kiyinda Mityana Cathedral Church before hosting their guests for the reception at Mityana Emirates Hotel

The celebrated legislator and opposition Stalwart who represents Mityana Municipality   seems to have not yet moved on from the fact that Speaker of Parliament was among the people who instigated his removal from the  parliamentary commission seat in March this year.

At the wedding reception,
He was presented with an envelope containing 10,O00,000UGX alleged to have come from the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Anita Among.

The adamant Zaake threw away the browm envelope before insinuating that he would not in anyway accept bribes from speaker of parliament. The envelope had been delivered by fellow  MP, Wilfred Niwagaba.

It should be noted that in March this year, Members of Parliament voted to force their Mityana Municipality counterpart, Francis Zaake out of the Parliamentary Commission office, accusing him of making disparaging remarks against by then Deputy Speaker, Anita Among.

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Japheth Godwin Walakira, is an exceptionally talented Journalism student at Nkumba University, specializing in photojournalism, video editing, and writing. With an acute eye for detail and an unwavering passion for storytelling, Japheth possesses a natural gift for capturing powerful images and crafting compelling narratives that captivate audiences. As a dedicated and skilled communicator, Japheth excels in collaborating with diverse teams to achieve common goals. His commitment to making a positive impact in the world of media is evident through his multifaceted roles. Not only is he a proficient Journalism student, but he also serves as the Public Relations Officer at the Rotaract Club of Nkumba University. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of Information Minister for the School of Social Sciences at Nkumba University, showcasing his leadership and organizational skills. Furthermore, Japheth's influence extends to the realm of student governance, where he proudly serves as the Guild Information Minister at Nkumba University. His dedication, drive, and passion for media make him a standout individual, poised to create meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy in his field.


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