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MPs Sworn-In, Parliament Constituted

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The newly elected Members of Nkumba University Guild parliament took Oath yesterday, 8th November 2022 at University’s main hall.

The swearing-in ceremony which was presided over by the Guild Chief Magistrate also saw the speaker of Parliament elected and Parliament constituted under Article 13 of Nkumba University Guild Constitution.

Hon. Enoth Kakye, MP Non-resident beat two others to become the Speaker of the 27th Parliament of Nkumba University. Enoth Kakye garnered 11 from the 21 votes cast. In second place was Kasita Fred, the MP Non-resident (Male)with 8 votes and Taremwa Joel, the MP School of Science trailed with 2 votes.

In another decisive race, Wandera Elisha, the MP School of Education won the Deputy Speaker race with a 1 vote margin trouncing Nabilye Phionah who got 6 votes. Mawa and Magezi salvaged 5 and 2 respectively.

Most notable was Hon. Elisha Wandera. Having won a tight MP race in the just concluded Guild elections, Elisha embarked on another race beating his closest competitor by just a single vote.

Elisha thanked his campaign team and all students who voted him,”I thank my colleagues from school of education for having entrusted me with their votes and all Honorable Members of Parliament for their votes today, I owe you.”

The election of the Deputy Speaker was presided over by the newly elected Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Enoth Kakye.

Also present was H.E Toka Victor, the newly installed Guild President of Nkumba University. In his company was Hon. Imran Kigongo the former Guild Presidential candidate.

Information reaching our desk indicate that two former Guild Presidential aspirant, Imran Kigongo and Sharif Ssebina are likely to eat big in the forth cabinet appointments.

Parliament will have a preliminary seating on Thursday to constitute the appointments committee a head of President Toka’s Cabinet appointments.

In his victory speech on 29th October, H.E Toka Victor vowed to work with all leaders for the success he envisages “There is no room for for division, I am acutely aware that we are a private institution, this is the reason we need all hands on deck,”

The 26th parliament was dissolved in late September in adherence to artical 12 clause (10) (A) of Nkumba University guild constitution which categorically states that, ” Parliament shall stand dissolved upon expiration of it’s term as stipulated by this constitution.” The 27th Parliament which was constituted yesterday, started exercising it’s mandate immediately.

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Simon Peter Nashonji
Simon Peter Nashonji
Nashonji Simon Peter is a dynamic and multi-faceted team leader, renowned for his exceptional interpersonal skills. Having graduated with a Diploma in Journalism, Nashonji is on the cusp of completing his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations at Nkumba University. He picked his niche and started writing with Chimp Reports in 2018. Since then, he has authored and published over 500 articles that cover Business trends, Politics, Health, Sports, and Environment. To master his craft, Nashonji offered to volunteer as an Editor of Nkumba University's News Website in 2022, a position he has held to date. On 1st July 2023, He joined the Editorial team of Ubuntu’ Magazine, a Rotary District 9214 (Uganda and Tazania) Monthly News product. Beyond the realm of academia, Nashonji is deeply involved in the governance of Airforce Senior Secondary School his Alma Mata, where he serves as a member on the Board of Directors. He is currently, the President Airforce S.S.S Alumni Society, President Samia Student's Association of Nkumba University and at the same time President of the Media Challenge Fellowship, 2023 cohort. "Opportunities multiply as they are seized and only dwindle when neglected."


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