Ignatius Kangave Musaazi has sworn in as the new guild president today in a colorful event that happened in Mpanga Library this early morning.
The event was graced by the Vice Chancellor Professor Jude Lubega, the dean of students Kimuli Christopher , various administrators ,members from the electoral commission and the entire students body.
The ceremony started with the dean of students who thanked the students for successfully having conducted the elections and also urged teamwork within the new guild government.
After taking his oaths, the newly elected guild president thanked the students for entrusting him and promised them he’ll deliver.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire students body for entrusting me as their guild President am really greatful and i promise i will not disappoint you i will deliver.” He said.
In his speech the vice chancellor professor Jude Lubega first congratulated the students body for having successfully completed the electoral process and called upon for interaction and dialogue between the administration and the new guild government.

“The door is open come and address us we are open for discussion its what we believe in no need for strikes negotiation is the key come we sit down and negotiate what should be done .” He said.
He furthermore promised full cooperation with the new guild guild government and called upon the guild president to not let his fel fellow students down.
The new guild government now replaces one of Toka Victor Given one which many believe has not delivered to their expectations.
The proceeding will be followed by Musaazi selecting his full government that will guide Nkumba through the 2023/2024 year.
Nkumba university news will keep you updated .
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