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HomeNewsNIRA Official to Face Charges over Abuse of Office

NIRA Official to Face Charges over Abuse of Office

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A Registration Officer at the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) attached to the northern district of Kole is set to face charges on abuse of office.

According to the Uganda Police press release issued today, 1st August, 2023, the officer identified as Asiimwe Fabby Innocent allegedly moved a NIRA registration kit from Kole district to Kampala without authorization in 2001 and registered individuals outside his jurisdiction.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigative Department (CID) preferred the charges citing gross professional misconduct.

The press release further states that the registration kit was unlawfully used to enter details of both Ugandan and foreign nationals who later obtained National Identifications even when some, presented forged documents.

It was also noted that some of the registrations occurred late night, which violates NIRA’s operational guidelines.


Although the motive for the abuse of office is unclear, police says such crimes are often linked to terrorism, money laundering, and trafficking in persons.

Asiimwe Fabby Innocent is set to appear before the Anti-corruption court at Kololo to face charges of Abuse of Office contrary to section C/S 11(1) of the Anti-corruption Act.

Police say, the suspect acted in violation of the oath he took to serve and protect by unlawfully registering persons outside his authorized jurisdiction.

Police has pledged to cooperate with law enforcement partners to hold individuals accountable for manipulating the National Identification System, which is relied upon by many.

“The Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is fully committed to safeguarding the integrity of National Identity Documents issued by NIRA.” Said SCP Fred Enanga , Uganda Police Spokesperson.

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Simon Peter Nashonji
Simon Peter Nashonji
Nashonji Simon Peter is a dynamic and multi-faceted team leader, renowned for his exceptional interpersonal skills. Having graduated with a Diploma in Journalism, Nashonji is on the cusp of completing his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations at Nkumba University. He picked his niche and started writing with Chimp Reports in 2018. Since then, he has authored and published over 500 articles that cover Business trends, Politics, Health, Sports, and Environment. To master his craft, Nashonji offered to volunteer as an Editor of Nkumba University's News Website in 2022, a position he has held to date. On 1st July 2023, He joined the Editorial team of Ubuntu’ Magazine, a Rotary District 9214 (Uganda and Tazania) Monthly News product. Beyond the realm of academia, Nashonji is deeply involved in the governance of Airforce Senior Secondary School his Alma Mata, where he serves as a member on the Board of Directors. He is currently, the President Airforce S.S.S Alumni Society, President Samia Student's Association of Nkumba University and at the same time President of the Media Challenge Fellowship, 2023 cohort. "Opportunities multiply as they are seized and only dwindle when neglected."


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