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HomeEducationNamara Closes-in on Ph.D Following Succesful Viva Voce

Namara Closes-in on Ph.D Following Succesful Viva Voce

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Entebbe’s premier higher institution of learning, Nkumba University yesterday unveiled Khadija Namara, a Ph.D candidate for an oral research defense academically referred to as Viva Voce.

Namara whose research centered on information technology (IT), sought to unveil the relationship between IT and employee performance under the research topic “Information Alignment and Employee Performance in the Private Sector in Uganda: A Case Study of Umeme (U) Limited, Central Uganda.”

Expert scholars who constituted the vetting panel hailed from fields related to information technology and business management including Professor Jude Lubega, an IT guru and the seating Vice Chancellor of Nkumba University to assess the depth, significance, and originality of the candidate’s research findings as well as the ability to defend her findings.

Dr. Solomon (R) makes consultations as Dr. Kase (L) keenly follows Namara’s submissions.

Namara’s research explored the critical issue of information technology alignment and its impact on employee performance within the private sector in Uganda, dwelling on Umeme (U) Limited as a case study.

Umeme (U) Limited, an electricity distribution company, offered a unique context for examining the relationship between IT alignment and employee performance.

The study delved into the various dimensions of IT alignment, including strategic, structural, social, and cultural alignment.


Dr. Khadija utilized a comprehensive research methodology, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Through surveys, interviews, and data analysis, Namara collected valuable insights from employees and management at Umeme (U) Limited. The study also involved an in-depth review of existing literature and a comparative analysis with similar organizations to provide a robust foundation for the research findings.

“ I used both quantitative and qualitative, multi-progression analysis, and descriptive statistics to overcome the challenges”, said Dr. Namara.

During the viva voce, the Ph.D. candidate demonstrated exceptional expertise and command over the subject matter, effectively defending her research, methodology, and conclusions.

The audience attentively following events during the Viva Voce.

In retaliation, the panel lauded her rigorous approach, comprehensive analysis, and the significant contribution her research would make to the field of information technology and its alignment with employee performance.

Dr. John Paul Kase, the Dean of the School of Computing and Informatics expressed his profoundness in hosting such a pioneering event. “This viva voce marks a milestone for Nkumba University and showcases our commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of information technology,” noted Dr. Kase.

The successful completion of the Ph.D. viva voce by the prospective Dr. doctor does not only bring honor to the candidate but also reinforces Nkumba University’s position as it poises to become a leading institution in research and academic excellence.

Experts say, the research findings have the potential to shape IT strategies and enhance employee performance in Uganda’s private sector hence contributing to the overall growth and development of the country’s business landscape.

“I want to thank everyone who has been with me during this journey and more so Nkumba University”, said Khadija. A Ph.D. is a trend in which one is supposed to be persistent”, added Namara

With this successful viva voce, Nkumba University sets a new precedent for research and academic achievements in the field of Information Technology in Uganda, leaving a lasting impact on future generations of scholars and students seeking to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

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Rebecca Nantale is an exceptional Journalism student at Nkumba University, known for her talent in photography, news writing, and reporting. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of sports and beauty pageants, Rebecca is able to bring a unique perspective to her work, capturing the essence of the events and telling stories that resonate with audiences. She is a skilled communicator, able to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner, making her writing both informative and engaging. Rebecca is a dedicated and driven individual who is passionate about using her talents to make a positive impact in the field of journalism.


  1. Congratulations Dr. Namara on your incredible achievement. Your hard work, determination, and resilience have paid off and I am confident that your future endeavors will be equally successful.

    Thank you Rebecca for the story.


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