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HomeNewsRuto sworn in as Kenya’s new president

Ruto sworn in as Kenya’s new president

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William Samoei Arap Ruto was sworn in as Kenya’s fifth president during an inauguration ceremony on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at Moi International Sports Center.

The inauguration of Kenya’s new Fountain of honour fetched dozens of global leaders and diplomats with many regarding the power transition as Kenya’s most peaceful following a bitter election campaign that underscored tribalism, troubling the democracy of the East Africa’s largest economy.

By 5 am, thousands of Kenyans had thronged the Moi International Sports Center to capacity with estimates indicating over 60,000 attendees.

Vuvuzelas, gospel and patriotic songs marred the air waves as Kenyan flag flew high. The St. John ambulance service said on Tuesday evening that close to 20 people had been injured in the stampede as they shoved into the stadium.

Moments after his inauguration, the crowd broke into utter ululation chanting his name, “Ruto” as fireworks glazed the clouds in dripping scatter across the stadium

Ruto clinched presidency in the Aug. 9th polls with a thin margin over his closest nemesis, Raila Odinga.

Odinga rejected the result heavily banking on the 4 commisioners who did not agree with IEBC chairman, Wafula Chebukati presidential election pronouncements.

Kenya’s Opposition stalwart further challenged Ruto’s election at the Supreme Court. But the court upheld Ruto’s victory in a unanimous decision last week.

Raila Odinga Twitted that he was out of the country and would not attend the ceremony.

As he affirmed the reins of power, William Ruto promised to alleviate rising prices, strengthen the judiciary and the police.

This is a momentous occasion for our country,”Ruto said to thunderous applause adding that “I will work hard for all the people of Kenya irrespective of who or how they voted.”

Kenya’s new president also Commended the role of the electoral commission and the Supreme Court in managing the vote, ” I want to, in particular thank IEBC chairman Mr. Wafula Chebukati for standing the ground amidst bribery and intimidation, we will work to improve election integrity, scale up the budget allocated to the judiciary, build more courts and swear in six Court of Appeal judges rejected by my predecessor,” asserted Ruto. He also pledged to give the police financial independence to boost their fight against corruption.

His predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta did not congratulate him until Monday evening, when he hosted him at the presidential office. Kenyatta attended the inauguration on Tuesday, and the two foes shook hands.

Born to a religious family in the rural outskirts of Kenya’s Rift Valley, Mr. Ruto, 55 helped his parents plant maize and went to school barefoot.

He showed his initial political interests in the 1990s after becoming president Daniel arap Moi’s key ally and later winning a position in Parliament which propelled him to serving as a cabinet minister for agriculture and higher education. Ruto has also served as deputy president of Kenya for Uhuru Kenyatta’s two terms in Office.

His extraordinary rise was almost brought to a hault a decade ago, when the International Criminal Court charged him with crimes against humanity, accusing him of orchestrating the violence that spurred the death of over 1,200 kenyans during the 2007 elections.

But the case was dropped in 2016, citing witness interference and political meddling.

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Simon Peter Nashonji
Simon Peter Nashonji
Nashonji Simon Peter is a dynamic and multi-faceted team leader, renowned for his exceptional interpersonal skills. Having graduated with a Diploma in Journalism, Nashonji is on the cusp of completing his Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations at Nkumba University. He picked his niche and started writing with Chimp Reports in 2018. Since then, he has authored and published over 500 articles that cover Business trends, Politics, Health, Sports, and Environment. To master his craft, Nashonji offered to volunteer as an Editor of Nkumba University's News Website in 2022, a position he has held to date. On 1st July 2023, He joined the Editorial team of Ubuntu’ Magazine, a Rotary District 9214 (Uganda and Tazania) Monthly News product. Beyond the realm of academia, Nashonji is deeply involved in the governance of Airforce Senior Secondary School his Alma Mata, where he serves as a member on the Board of Directors. He is currently, the President Airforce S.S.S Alumni Society, President Samia Student's Association of Nkumba University and at the same time President of the Media Challenge Fellowship, 2023 cohort. "Opportunities multiply as they are seized and only dwindle when neglected."


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