Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeUncategorizedThe FUFA super 8 is here

The FUFA super 8 is here

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The FUFA super 8 is a tournament organised basically for the best teams that have managed to put an out standing performance during the season.

After the end of the Uganda Premier League 2023/2024, FUFA listed the eight teams that will have to play in the tournament and these include SC Villa that won the UPL trophy , BUL fc, Maroon fc, KCCA fc , Vipersfc, NEC fc and URA fc.

But URA fc was knocked out and replaced by a team that was selected by FUFA administration and the team is known as “the select team”.

Bul fc who are the defending champions for this tournament will be the first team to play this Friday against Maroon fc at St Mary’s kitende and the second game will be at 8pm against Vipers fc and Nec fc.

While the tournament statrs , the question remains will Bul fc defend it’s trophy because all the teams are looking forward to win this year’s tournament .

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Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo
Eliot Owen Ojambo is a third year journalism student, a at Nkumba University he is the head of sports Nkumba university news and also an editor , He is also a public relations practitioner, social media manager and marketing strategist


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