- Voting Eligibility
Ensure that you meet the voter eligibility criteria. This includes having paid at least 20% of your tuition and possessing a valid student ID. - Know the Process
Familiarize yourself with the election process. Understand where and when the voting will take place. In this case, the elections are scheduled to place on the 27th of April 2024 at the School of Science Starting from 8 am. The exercise will close at 5 pm. - Participate Actively
Guild elections play a crucial role in shaping student leadership. Engage in the democratic process by casting your vote and encouraging fellow students to do the same. - Be Responsible
As you exercise your civic right, maintain a respectful and responsible attitude. Respect the rules, and the electoral process. Remember that your vote contributes to the future leadership of Nkumba University.
Here are 4 important Guidelines to consider Ahead of Election day